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Other Center Publications

Through Spanish Eyes

Translated by Gregory James and David Morgan

This book comprises reports of the attempt by a party of Franciscans from Manila to establish Christianity in Vietnam in 1583. Unable to communicate with the inhabitants, they soon left, but a storm blew them to Hainan. They were taken to Guangzhou, and eventually expelled to Macau. Despite their harsh conditions, they describe China positively. The texts, translated for the first time into English, are supplemented by an Introduction and an extensive bibliography.

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Reflecting Teaching

Many a slip … A Dictionary of Shaky Grounds and Missed Connections

Gregory James

This dictionary presents the vocabulary of rhetoric and argumentation, with a focus on the terminology of fallacies. The entries are supplemented by numerous examples from classic and contemporary sources.

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Reflecting Teaching

Changing Languages

Linda Y.O. Mak & Merry M.L. Keung (Eds).

This collection consists of conference papers, synopses of intermediate degree theses, and research reports of staff at the Center for Language Education, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University. The book attempts to capture some of the changes we are witnessing at the turn of the century, and addresses four main areas: changing language issues (such as the medium of instruction, code-mixing, the potentials of the World-Wide Web in language teaching and learning, language teaching methodologies, Putonghua teaching in Hong Kong and college English teaching in China.

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Reflecting Teaching

English in Business Studies and Economics: A Corpus-based Lexical Analysis

Gregory James & James Purchase

This volume comprises an alphabetical and a frequency list of a one-million-word structured corpus of extracts from 167 first-year university textbooks in Business Studies and Economics. The lists include statistical analyses of each entry.

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English in Biology, Biochemistry and Chemistry

Gregory James, Philip Ho Wing-lok and Andrew Chu Chi-yuen

This volume comprises an alphabetical and a frequency list of a one-million-word structured corpus of extracts from 167 first-year university textbooks: Biology, Biochemistry and Chemistry. The lists include statistical analyses of each entry.

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Exploring Language

Susanna Ho Pui-san & Sarah Carmichael (Eds).

The chapters in this volume of working papers offer a variety of exploration in language study, focusing on aspects of reading, speaking, grammar, technology and culture. The theme of each contribution is related to applications in teaching and learning language. The writers are all members of staff of the Center for Language Education at the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology.

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Reflecting Teaching

Thinking Language: Issues in the Study of Language and Language Curriculum Renewal

Kitty P.Y. Wong & Christopher F. Green (Eds).

This volume brings together, under two broad section headings, articles dealing with theoretical and pedagogical concerns in second language theory, teaching and learning. The first section deals with semantico-functional issues in language study and contains articles based on the principles of both contrastive and systemic-functional analysis. The content of this section reminds us of the crucial importance of rooting plans for curriculum innovation firmly in theory and the valid findings of critical enquiry.

The second section deals with the implementation of pedagogical plans in a wide range of curriculum areas. The teaching and learning approaches advocated lead to the encouragement of greater learner autonomy and responsibility. Authors offer practical suggestions for innovations in the major language skill areas.

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Reflecting Teaching

Meeting Points in Language Studies

Gregory James (Eds).

The thirteen working papers contained in this volume touched upon many familiar subjects – from discipline to curriculum design, from literature to lexicography – and the common thread running through all the contributions is the concern the writers have for the improvement and advancement of the effectiveness of English language teaching.

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Reflecting Teaching

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