Chinese Placement Interview

The Chinese Placement Interview is administered to students at the beginning of each semester, as a tool to recommend students to Chinese courses which best suit their proficiency levels. The interview results remain valid until graduation. Students can, however, choose to retake the interview if they see the need.

  1. Placement Procedures

  2. Course Information

  3. Interview Schedule

  4. Online Application

  5. FAQs

Placement Procedures

You are planning to take Chinese LANG course this semester

Course Information

  Courses Target students Pre-requisites
For Chinese Language Background Students
(Medium of Instruction: Cantonese)
(Medium of Instruction: Putonghua)
Level 3 in HKDSE Chinese or below Level 3 in HKDSE Chinese
(Medium of Instruction: Putonghua)
For students with special language needs
(Medium of Instruction: Cantonese)
(Medium of Instruction: Putonghua)
Level 4 or above in HKDSE Chinese Level 4 or above in HKDSE Chinese
LANG1118 Students with high standard of written Chinese and Putonghua N/A
For Non-Chinese Language Background Students Prior learning hours
0 hours
50 hours
100 hours
150 hours
200 hours
250 hours
300 hours
350 hours


Interview Schedule (Phase II)

All interviews will be conducted online via ZOOM.

>>> Online Application

Chinese Placement Interview FAQs

1. How can I know which Chinese course is most suitable for me? Can I seek advice from instructors?
You should visit // where you can find detailed descriptions about our courses. You will then have to fill in an online application form and book an interview timeslot at here. You will receive advice from instructors in the interview.
2. What should I do if I have already met the pre-requisite? Do I still have to attend an interview?
No, you don’t. Please add the course you plan to take in the Student Information System (SIS) directly. Please visit here for the relevant pre-requisite.
3. What procedure do I have to take to enroll in a Chinese language course?
Please refer to the flow chart here.
4. Can I apply for credit transfer if I can provide supporting documents e.g. transcripts from other tertiary institutions?
Yes, it is possible. The application should be made through ARR directly. For details, please click here.
5. What should I do if all the interview time slots are fully booked?
Please send an email to to seek help.
6. I need to provide a phone number in the application form in order to make a booking for an interview? What if I do not have a Hong Kong phone number?
In this case please enter 88888888 for your phone number into the box.
7. What should I do if I do not have an HKUST email account?
The reservation can only be made via your ITSC account. Please contact ARR for advice.
8. Can I change my interview time slot if something unexpected happens?
Yes, you can cancel your original time slot and book a new one at here.
9. When will my request submitted on SIS be approved?
Usually after you have completed the placement procedures (i.e. online application and/or interview) and submitted your request on SIS, your case will be handled within 1 to 2 working days.
10. If I find the course I have enrolled in unsuitable for me after I have attended class, can I still make a switch to another class?
Yes, you can. But first of all, please talk to the instructor of your class. If necessary, you may have to attend another interview. Make sure you complete the necessary procedure before the end of the add/drop period.
11. How long is the interview result valid for?
The interview results remain valid until graduation. You can, however, choose to retake the interview if you see the need.
12. What if I fail to enroll into a course because of over-subscription?
You will have to go through the placement process again next term, but do indicate in the form that you have taken an interview before.
13. I have already met the Common Core Chinese Communication requirement by taking one of the Chinese language courses. Can I take more than one “Chinese for Non-Chinese Background Students” course?
Yes, you can take more than one Chinese language course as free electives.
14. I am a student on a Taught Postgraduate (TPG) program. Am I eligible for taking credit-bearing Chinese courses?
TPG students are not eligible for taking Chinese language courses as TPG programs are self-financed programs (i.e. ones not funded by the UGC). If you wish to learn Chinese, you are welcome to join the “Language Courses for Students and Staff ” and iLANG activities.
15. I am an MBA student. Can I take Chinese courses?
We offer special Chinese courses to MBA students. Please contact the MBA office for information.
16. Can I drop a LANG course after the Add/Drop period?
Requests to add a course or to withdraw from a course after the add/drop period will not be accepted, except under extenuating circumstances, and require the approval of the relevant Dean, the Dean’s designate or the Director of IPO.

This page has been archived.

It has not been updated nor maintained since 1 Sept 2021.

For the latest information on the Center of Language Education, please check the new CLE website.