Effective Communication in Business

Fall 2021 (3 credits)

Co-ordinator: Ms. WONG, Kasina
Ms. WONG, Kasina

Co-ordinator: Mr. LAM, Levi
Mr. LAM, Levi

Assessment Scheme

Assessed Tasks Due Date
Phase I

1.      Job-seeking

Students are required to attend a 10-minute job interview for a job they have chosen.  





Week 4/ 5

Phase II
3.   Business writing Students will be working in a team of 3 on a group project. They will:


·         produce 2 short writing tasks (Opportunity and Innovation Section and Market Analysis Section)

·         submit an 1800-word business plan after giving the business pitch.















Lesson 9B & Lesson 11A


First Friday after Week 13

3 Dec, 5pm



4.  Pitch Presentation


Teams will give a 15 + 5 minutes’ pitch on the group project to a mixed business audience. Team + Individual 30%  Week 12 (Nov 19, Friday, 5pm)

5.  Peer Evaluation


Students will evaluate their team members’ contributions to the group project. Individual 5%  

16 November (midnight) –
30 November (noon)


6.  Learning Portfolio


Students will evaluate and reflect on their learning progress as they seek to become effective business communicators.  Individual 5%  

First Monday after Week 13

6 Dec, 5pm

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