Technical Communication II for IEDA/ISD

Spring 2021 (3 credits)

Course Assessment


Introduction and literature review (individual) LANG 4032 Assessment criteria for Intro and Lit Review 25%
Poster presentation (group & individual assessment) LANG 4032 Assessment criteria for Poster Presentation 25%
White Paper (individual) LANG 4032 Fall 2016 Assessment criteria for White Paper 20%
Presentation of a trend in IEDA (group & individual assessment) LANG 4032 Assessment criteria for presentation of a current trend in IEDA 20%
Participation: class participation and satisfactory completion of out-of-class work 10%

Schedule for assessed tasks

5 Introduction and literature review Due date: Wednesday, March 6, 5pm
7 Poster presentation
11 White Paper Due date: Wednesday, April 24, 5pm
12-13 Presentation of a trend in IEDA

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