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News Talk

Are you interested in reading news? Do you have opinions about stories that you would like to share? Do you want to practice and improve your English?


Intended Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, you are expected to

  1. Enhance your English speaking proficiency
  2. Develop your fluency and conversation
  3. Improve your discussion skills
  4. Extend your vocabulary
  5. Boost your confidence when speaking English

This workshop will allow you to be surrounded in an English environment, giving you the opportunity to improve your English in a non-academic surrounding.  Reading, discussing, role-play and even writing exercises are all on offer in this workshop – so sign up without hesitation!

Code(s) SPW-006-001
Duration 1.5 hours
Maximum Number of Participants 20
Eligibility aAll undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology are welcome.
Enquiry a

If you have any questions, please contact us at:

E-mail: lcspeak@ust.hk

Telephone:(852) 2358-7851

Office: Room 3018 (Lifts 2 & 3)

Remarks Please note that the workshop facilitator reserves the right to cancel the workshop in case of insufficient attendance.

Current Available Course


Priority is given to students in UGC-funded programs.

Copyright © Center for Language Education. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

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