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Travel with iLANG Through Livestreaming

Do you wish to experience another city and learn about different cultures despite the current restrictions on international travel? iLANG is pleased to host a short series of interactive events led by Travel Leaders (UST students who are passionate about sharing their culture with their peers).

In each session, the Travel Leader will share their experience of life in their city either through streaming or pre-recorded videos. You will have the opportunity to interact with the Travel Leader during the session and ask him/her any questions you have about life in their city.

Join now to enjoy a new cultural learning experience and see how other UST students are living in another city.

Information about the sessions:

Foodie Journey in China (25 March)

Go on a foodie journey with Mia as she shares about the traditional food culture of China. Highlights include a tour around a local night market and learning about the diversity of Chinese cuisine.

Shenzhennese in Shanghai (28 March)

Join Vic as he shares his experience of living in Shanghai as a Shenzhen native. You will get the chance to experience his interviews with local stall owners to hear their stories, get recommendations on the best places to go in the city, and hear about his personal reflections on post-COVID life in Shenzhen.

Discovery of Daegu (31 March)

Kim will take you on a tour of downtown Daegu, a city known in South Korea for its scenic attractions and ancient culture. Explore beautiful natural sights and experience all the food delights this city has to offer.

Code(s) IMM-012-001 IMM-012-002 IMM-012-003
Date(s) 25 March 2021 28 March 2021 31 March 2021
Time 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Venue(s) Online via Zoom Online via Zoom Online via Zoom
Facilitator(s) Mia Chen Vic Wu Kim H.
Duration 1 hour
Maximum Number of Participants 15 participants each session
Eligibility All HKUST students are welcome.
HLTH1010 Course Hours Upon successful completion and satisfactory participation of each 1-hour session, you may be entitled to 1 HLTH1010 course hour under the “Wellness and Personal Enrichment” of the “Activities” module.
Medium of Communication English
Registration Method Online registration

If you have any questions, please contact us at:

E-mail: lcelbs@ust.hk

Telephone:(852) 2358-7851

Office: Room 3018 (Lifts 2 & 3)


Please email lcelbs@ust.hk if you are interested or want more information.

Online Registration Current Available Course


Priority is given to students in UGC-funded programs.

Copyright © Center for Language Education. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

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