Postgraduate Students

English Curriculum

PGEnglish Schools /Programs Courses ResearchPostgraduates(RPgs) TaughtPostgraduates(TPgs) LANG 5001 LANG 5002 LANG 5010 LANG 5030 LANG 5031 LANG 5070 LANG 5071 LANG 5080 LANG 5081 /> LANG 5072 SENG SSCI SBM SHSS IPO Msc inEngineering Msc in Global China Studies MA inChinese Culture School of Engineering (SENG): - Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBME) - Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIVL) - Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) - Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE) - Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management (IELM)- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE)- Bioengineering (BIEN) - Environmental Engineering (EVNG)- Nanotechnology (NANO) - Energy Technology (ENEG) - MPhil in Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship (TLE) School of Science (SSCI):- Chemistry (CHEM)- Life science (LIFS)- Physics (PHYS)- Mathematics (MATH)- Environmental Science Programs (ENVS): o Atmospheric Environmental Science o Marine Environmental Science- Nano Science & Technology (NSNT) School of Business and Management (SBM):- Accounting (ACCT)- Economics (ECON)- Finance (FINA)- Information Systems (IS)- Operation Management (OM)- Marketing (MARK)- Management (MGMT) School of Humanities and Social Science (SHSS):Humanities RPgs: LANG5071 Postgraduate English for HumanitiesSocial Science RPgs: LANG5002 Postgraduate English for Business and Social Science Studies Interdisciplinary Programs Office (IPO):- Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM) MPhil students: - LANG5081 Research Writing Skills (3 credits) PhD students: - LANG5080 English Seminar and Presentation Skills (3 credits) - LANG5081 Research Writing Skills (3 credits) LANG5002Available in theSpring term LANG5010Available in both Fall & Spring terms LANG5071Available in theSpring term LANG5081Available in theSpring term LANG5001Available in bothFall & Spring terms LANG5080Available in theFall term LANG5030Available in theFall term LANG5031Available in theFall term LANG5070Available in theFall term LANG5072Available in theFall term

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It has not been updated nor maintained since 1 Sept 2021.

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