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English, Meaning & Photography

The Center for Language Education, in associations with The Photographic Society, HKUSTSU, would like to invite anyone who enjoys taking photographs to join English, Meaning & Photography. Create your own photography portfolio using anything from a Single Lens Reflex (SLR) camera to a modern-day camera phone.


Join us in practicing English, unravelling meaning in pictures and taking photos. English, Meaning & Photography is full of vocabulary building, discussions, and opportunities for creative vision.


By the end of the program, not only will you have a complete photography portfolio to show your family and friends, you will also have a stronger foundation for interpretation, a stronger English vocabulary, an experience of open discussion among peers and a better understanding of photography. This is a challenging, yet fun and promising way to learn and practice English. 


Registration deadline for the program is Friday 19 September 2014. All Meets are mandatory, so make sure you are available on the dates listed below. Come join us today and build your portfolio for tomorrow!

Code(s) IMM-008-001
Eligibility All undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology are welcome.
Fee Free admission
Registration Method Email a statement of interest addressing ‘what you enjoy most about photography’ to lcemp@ust.hk (max. 200 words)

If you have any questions, please contact us at:

E-mail: lcemp@ust.hk

Telephone: (852) 2358-7851

Office: Room 3018 (Lifts 2 & 3)


Please note that the workshop facilitator reserves the right to cancel the workshop in case of insufficient attendance.

Current Available Course


Priority is given to students in UGC-funded programs.

Copyright © Center for Language Education. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

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