Welcome to the Center for Language Education at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

CLE courses are an integral element in the education of a HKUST student. Our vision is to ensure that students graduate with language skills that will enable them to successfully navigate their careers and lives in the future.

As a center of excellence in language education, we take a scholarly approach to our aim of being an international leader in language education, embracing innovative pedagogies and new technologies. Our language programs add value to HKUST’s local and international reputation.

Our Mission is:

  • To draw from our expertise as language educators to ensure that HKUST students develop English and Chinese language competencies that maximise their potential for social, professional and academic communication, in line with ABC-LIVE.

  • To actively collaborate with faculty in academic departments in order to ensure our academic literacy expertise allows us to develop students’ ability to communicate in their discipline.

  • To provide opportunities for HKUST students to study 3rd Languages in addition to English and Chinese.

  • To provide useful and engaging self-directed learning opportunities that further develop HKUST students’ language competencies through informal, non-credit courses and activities that complement and supplement the formal language curriculum.

  • To develop HKUST students’ social and intercultural awareness, team skills, and to inculcate a habit of life-long learning.

  • To engage in scholarly activities that contribute to the field of language education, as the CLE and in collaboration with other language teaching institutions.

Our Faculty members include over 80 highly qualified and experienced language professionals who take a scholarly approach to their teaching. We teach language to all HKUST Undergraduate and Postgraduates, with over 6,000 students on our courses every year. We also contribute to our School’s MA in International Language Education providing input on both the specialized concentrations: Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL).

Our Center enjoys a prominent location on our campus in Clear Water Bay, with a Language Commons where all are welcome to come and use our resources to develop their language and intercultural communication skills. Whether you are local or international, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Director's Welcome