LANG 1404

Advanced Academic English for University Studies

This course puts a strong emphasis on developing university-level academic literacy and communication competence in writing, speaking, and multimodal contexts. The course introduces students to research skills using university library resources for finding and evaluating sources for academic writing and speaking tasks. It expects students to be critical readers and writers, synthesizing ideas when developing a coherent argument. The course also aims to develop students’ competence in communicating effectively in an academic community, developing the ability to collaborate both as a member of a group and assuming responsibility as a discussion facilitator in the context of student-led seminars. Throughout the course, students are expected to transfer and adapt their knowledge, attitudes and habits for autonomous lifelong learning. Other features of the teaching materials, student activities, and assessments will be self-directed learning, communication in a team, and multimodal communication. Students’ competence in communicating effectively within an academic community will be assessed individually and as part of a group in collaborations. Throughout the course, the aim of the reflective and self-directed tasks is to guide students through reflection on learning and strategies so that they can transfer and adapt their knowledge, attitudes and habits for the development of autonomous lifelong learning.