LANG 2065

Research Writing

LANG 1003, 1403, 1404, 1406, 1407, 1408, or 1409
LANG 3060

LANG 2065, Research Writing, is a three-credit, common-core course for students in any discipline.  Students attend 3 hours of class per week over one semester. The course aims to enhance students’ academic writing regardless of major.  It empowers students to confidently tackle complex academic writing challenges in writing up research projects. A key focus is helping students understand the varied needs, purposes, expectations and contexts of their writing tasks. By exploring common conventions that apply across disciplines and those unique to each discipline, students learn to adapt their writing effectively. The course also emphasizes taking a stance and creating strong, coherent, evidence-backed arguments. With advanced synthesis, citation strategies and rhetorical techniques, students position their ideas and solve problems critically through their writing. Exposing students to technologies particularly Gen AI tools for research and customized chatbots to guide writing, this course creates writers who are adept at integrating technologies while maintaining academic integrity. Through collaboration, reflection and the writing process, the course nurtures a community of writers who learn how to value peer feedback, self-evaluation and continuous improvement.