Ms. Sandy CHAN




2022 Working Paper

Effects of self-assessment and peer-assessment in motivating interaction in L2 computer-mediated collaborative writing

CHAN, Sandy W C

Short Descriptions

The assumption that most university students are digital natives has prompted more EAP and ESP courses to include computer-mediated collaborative writing (CMCW). Students are often assessed as a group for the quality of the final written product, and this sometimes creates disputes and discontent among students in my teaching context when some members are deemed less contributing than and by others. The growing practice of including self-and-peer-assessments to encourage independent learning and to counteract any irresponsible behaviours has inspired me to study their effects in motivating students in taking a more active role intrinsically and extrinsically, in the collaborative writing tasks. Possible research questions: 1. What interaction strategies do L2 speakers adopt during a computer-mediated collaborative writing task? 2. What are the motivational factors behind L2 speakers’ interaction in and contribution to the collaborative writing task? 3. What are the effects of formative self-assessment and peer-assessment on L2 speakers’ decisions on interacting and contributing to the collaborative writing task?