Ms. Chi SHEN



Studied literatures and languages, with keen interests in modern diaspora and contemporary narratives of the tension between Self and Others;

Trained as Editor and Representative in educational publishing;

Taught Research Writing and Academic Literacy at the beginning of my teaching career, then switched to Communication (& associated skills) Development and Outcomes Assessment, known in UST as Common Core Competencies;

Exploring ways to help students optimize their learning, so that they can exert their talents in every opportunity that comes their way.

Learn in Team


Professional Interests

  • academic literacy vis-à-vis professional communication

  • competency development and assessment

  • curriculum design and evaluation


2022 Working Paper

Anchoring Rhetorical strategies and Citation Purposes for Science Communication


Short Descriptions

This project summarizes findings from a two-year teaching-cum-investigation of the way students use sources to write up Life-Science Op-Eds (which requires students taking a stance on science controversies and persuading the general public to accept their views). We assume that the use of in-text citations in the form anchor texts in model Op-Eds (course materials) fulfills in part the rhetorical purpose of persuasion, and hypothesize that explicit teaching of creating anchor texts would enable students to better use sources as Appeal to Logos in persuasive writing. At Level 3000, we stretch students to address wider audience and to engage more purposeful acts of communication. Op-Ed writing with digitized in-text citations would allow students to develop new skills while continuing to hone their academic skills.

Possible Benefits

To establish a 'communication-oriented' citation typology that may align with skills taught in other advanced writing courses, or may be applied to Level 2000 courses if appropriate.


Summer EYE - Short Paper session Journal publication (end of 2022)

2022 Working Paper

Communication, Rhetoric, and Multimedia: E-Reader Project (Call for Collaboration)


Short Descriptions

For two Summers I did ad hoc course writing for CORE1401 and the new LABU course, to fill in the Summer WUs. After seeing CLE's curriculum plan unfolds over these two years, I wonder if it's time to establish continuity and principles in this repeated pattern of my 'ad-hoc' Summer work, and to revive a framework used in the past - Communication across the Curriculum (CxC) - for course writing/curriculum development. The main objective of this foreseeably longitudinal project is to address the need of quality materials as models of communication for teaching and learning, a need which most of us course writers have tried to fulfill during course write-up. Especially when CLE/we have started teaching multimodal communication in the new Common Core courses, a rich collection of models of hybrid genres (written-oral-visual) can reflect not only our course objectives, but also the consistency of our curriculum requirements across years and disciplines. These are the rationales behind this E-Reader project - to collectively build teaching-learning resources in a levelled reader, which may start as subject-/discipline- specific that features key learning outcomes (CILOs), yet can further expand to include cross-course learning outcomes to showcase CLE’s curricular goals (PILOs of multi-modality and competency development).

Possible Benefits

As part of a search for "reading" materials for the new Advanced Business writing course, I wish to start the ground work of building a outcomes-based E-Reader as teacher-learning resources. I hope the project might interest colleagues who teach other school-based courses and who also consider updating course materials (communication models) to align with CLE's competency-based programmes.


(short-term) A theoretical framework for selecting-collecting texts of discipline- and rhetoric-specific genres from multimedia, for training of written communication (intended for the Advanced Business Writing course); (long-term) A E-Reader that provides teaching/learning resources across disciplines and levels, for multi-modal communication training (of writing, speaking, visual, and hybrid communication).

2014 Conference Paper / Presentation

From knowledge accumulation to attribute exhibition: can assessment facilitate learning transfer?

Shen, Chi

Location: Hong Kong
2013 Conference Paper / Presentation

A blended approach to continuing language development in higher education: from academic literacy to communicative competence

Shen, Chi

Location: University of Geneva, Geneva
2013 Conference Paper / Presentation

Essential components for EAP proficiency construct: a comparative study of GEPT and CERF and their respective relevance to EAP

Shen, Chi

Location: Taiwan
2011 Book

Garnet活用英文文法: English Practice Grammar

Macfarlane, Michael; 沈琦

Press: 書林出版有限公司
ISBN: 9789574454358


2007 Conference Paper / Presentation

Strategic Reading for Fun and Advancement – Reading for Comprehension Series by Continental Press (US)

Shen, Chi

Location: Taiwan
2006 Conference Paper / Presentation

Gateway to Successful Business-Making, Business Skills Series by Summertown Publishing (UK)

Shen, Chi

Location: Taiwan
2005 Conference Paper / Presentation

One Small Thing, One Big World: Language, Culture, and Fun from your Small World, Small World series by EVANS (UK)

Shen, Chi

Location: Taiwan
1999 Book

廿一世紀英文法練習: Grammar Practice 2000

Morag, Reive; 沈琦

Press: 書林紅螞蟻
ISBN: 9789575868185

@本書完整介紹英文文法結構,從最基本的概念與規則,到較為複雜 的例外狀況,均予詳細說明。 @以生動活潑的圖文解說,代替枯燥乏味的文字說明,將抽象文法概 念化為具體的意象,刺激學生的聯想力與學習興趣。 @以精心設計的習題搭配文法概念,讓讀者邊學邊做,從實際演練中 體會文法規則的妙用。 @章末均附有「複習測驗」,可撕下作為測驗試題或課後作業。