Fiona CHAK

English :

academic writing, job application letter and resume/ CV, Cantonese conversation practice

Thomas CHAN

English :

Conversational speaking, confidence speaking, IELTS speaking


English :

Anisa is experienced in academic writing. She is happy to help students to improve their writing in the area of Applied Linguistics and Language Education. 


English :

I’m interested in presentation skills, job seeking skills (interview and CV/cover letters)

Fiona HO


Pronunciation for Chinese learners of English, Pearson Test of English (PTE), and academic module IELTS (paper-based and online).



Monica JIM

Cantonese :

  • Cantonese speaking skills
  • Cantonese pronunciation and conversation practices
  • Local culture and intercultural adaptation

Eric LEE

English :

Presentation skills, job seeking skills (interview and CV/cover letters), pronunciation for Chinese learners of English

Eugene LI


My name is Eugene. I can help with IELTS writing, academic writing (style and tone), argumentative structure and expository structure. I prefer to advise on writing. Please email me ( the sample you’d like us to discuss and our meeting timeslot before our session. Thank you. 

Polung LI

English :

Since 1997 I have been teaching English at HKUST. If you would like to improve your English writing to prepare for job and/or PG applications, please come and talk to me. I am happy to share with you my experience in compiling the cover letter, CV, résumé, statement of purpose, personal statement, etc.


Linda MAK


ELPA, IELTS writing, CRE (Common  Recruitment Examination), conference abstracts, personal statements, Cover letter and resume writing, grammar


English :

I have lived in Hong Kong for over 34 years, and have been at UST for over 15 years. I enjoy having general English conversation (both formal and informal) and helping students with their pronunciation concerns, both at the UG and PG level. 


Japanese :

From beginner’s level to advanced level, let’s think of how to learn Japanese better and better.

Basic Writing, Talk, Presentation, Official Interview, etc.

Elaine WONG

English :

Writing:    Academic writing, analytical reports, proposal reports, recommendation reports, final year projects, resume writing, job application letters, translation, argumentative essays.

Speaking: Interview practice, academic and business presentations, interpreting

Examination: IELTS, ELPA


“Learning is a lifelong process, and I hope I can help you with the smallest step which ends up being the biggest step of your life. Come and chat with me. I understand people well!”

Liza YEW


General speaking skills and presentation skills

IELTS - all 4 papers; speaking, writing, listening and reading