Ms. Fiona HO



Fiona joined the Center for Language Education (CLE) at HKUST in 2016 and taught a range of undergraduate courses. In the past few years, she led The Informal Curriculum for Language Learning (iLANG) team and students to organise events which successfully raised students‘ interest in English language and complement their academic learning. She believes the important factors which motivate students to learn are mutual trust and respect.


2023 Conference Paper / Presentation

Enhancing language self-efficacy of EFL university students through experiential learning: a study of the learning league project

Ho, Sze Han; Wong, Chun; Li, Wing Chi Angie; Lau, Lo

Press: Universidad Politecnica de Valencia.
ISBN: 9788413960852
Location: Valencia, Spain
Source: International Conference on Higher Education Advances, June 2023, p. 1089-1096
DOI: 10.4995/HEAd23.2023.16219

The Learning League project aims to study the improvement of language self-efficacy among English as a foreign language (EFL) university students in Hong Kong after delivery English language classes to secondary school students in a 12-week programme. The project adopts a blended learning approach, utilizing the learning-by-teaching pedagogy and gamification to enhance students' motivation and English speaking skills. 13 university students were recruited as student tutors. They received teaching training before teaching English to 63 secondary school students. English speaking-related weekly tasks and selected materials were provided to the student tutors to complete and read before they taught. The language self-efficacy of university students were measured using language self-efficacy scale (Wong, 2005). The programme evaluation showed positive results for the university students' English speaking skills and language self-efficacy. © 2023 International Conference on Higher Education Advances. All rights reserved.